energy healing ~ spiritual mentoring ~ re-membering You


Nurturing transformation, empowering your life and working together with Nature’s wisdom


Unleash your true potential!


Explore Nature connection, shamanism, energy healing, Plant Spirit Healing and spiritual growth


I was in a feeling and experience far better and in many ways deeper than I had expected, I had a feeling you were good……but this was quite something else…..beyond that, difficult to explain….you sensed….were spot on things, things that had been lost since a long time, and you gave suggestions on how to work/deal with them. I always felt safe & secure with you, in very good, knowledgeable and experienced hands. This is to be continued.

Tanja, Sweden

It felt so incredibly good to finally come to someone who actually understood what was “wrong” with me. After countless visits to “western doctors”, without any luck, Nina was able to pinpoint the problem. Which, of course, was not physical. The road to recovery isn’t easy or instant, but Nina gave me the tools to work with to get better.Nina is someone who wants to see you get better and will do everything in her power to help you.

Signe, Sweden

“Looking for a spiritual mentor was a logical next step in my spiritual development. I didn’t have a clear idea what exactly it meant but knew it was going to help me. I already had a good feeling about Nina during the introductory meeting. She saw me, really me. And her clear explanation of her role as a mentor felt right. I experienced the gift she has in the first healing we did. She has cleaned up a lot in my energetic house and that feels good. She has very… Read more Arian, the Netherlands

Arian, the Netherlands

” Sometimes you come across people who carry unique wisdom. Nina is such a person, I am happy to have met her. She has the universal wisdom in herself; she can easily empathize with me, and she sees crystal clear what I need and know how to communicate (spiritual) advice with both feet on the ground in a clear, pure, light-hearted and often humorous way! “

Wendy, the Netherlands

“When you have your remote session [energy healing] with Nina, you feel like she’s right there next to you. With her accurate insight and vision, she’s able to pinpoint whatever the issue might be – and even unearth any underlying causes. She has the energetic tools and experience to clear and bring to balance what is most needed for your situation, and she’ll check up on you all the way to make sure you feel supported. Definitely recommending you’ll experience her sessions for yourself!”

Mia, the UK

Een paar weken geleden heb ik een healingsessie op afstand gehad van Nina. Van tevoren bespraken wat vragen van mijn kant. Daarna begon de sessie en ik voelde de energie van Nina met mij aan de slag gaan toen ik op de bank lag, het voelde rustig, liefdevol en heel fijn aan. Ik voelde dat Nina met mijn chakra’s aan het werk was.Het duidelijke verslag dat ik na de sessie kreeg van Nina beschreef wat zij was tegengekomen en maakte voor mij een aantal zaken helder en ook kreeg ik… Read more Hilde
